Connor Johnson
Bartlett, IL Major – Physical and Health Education Future job plans: Teaching High School or Middle Schoo
Pledged in the fall of 2013 Served as GAP President Awards: Scholarship Award
Kyle Pratt
Des Plaines, IL Major – History and Secondary Education Future job plans: Teaching middle or high school
Pledged in the fall of 2013 Served as Historian, Vice President, and President Awards- Trinko Davies Award
Alex Reid
Mundelein, IL Major – Biology Minor- Biochemistry Future job plans – Real Estate Broker
Served as Social Chair
Matt Navins
Downers Grove IL Major – Nursing Future job plans moving to Salt Lake City Utah to pursue a job in nursing.
Pledged in the fall of 2013 Served as secretary, Greek Activities Planner (GAP) delegate.
David Rehak Suma
Rockford Major – Animal Behavior Future job plans – Animal care and Rehabilitation at The Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center
Pledged in the fall of 2013 Served as Secretary, Rush Chairman
Taylor-Max Tesch
Hometown – Waukesha Major – Graphic Communications Future job plans – Visual marketing
Pledged in the fall of 2011 Served as Secretary, Pledge Warden, Sergeant at Arms Awards Trinko Davies